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My Rest: Cultivating A Routine of Sabbath Rest
Introduction (Sunday)
Welcome (3:39)
My Sabbath Journey (0:07)
Purpose of Sabbath Rest (10:12)
Prerequisites For Rest (1:03)
Prerequisites For Rest (Continued) (9:36)
Planning To Rest (Monday & Tuesday)
Pray Over Your Planning (1:36)
Proposition of Rest (7:24)
Plan For Rest (7:56)
Problems Resting (11:39)
Preparation To Rest (Wednesday & Thursday)
Prayer For Your Sabbath Preparations
Prepare To Rest (1:03)
Participate In Rest (Friday & Saturday)
Pursue Rest (1:35)
Projects for Rest (5:02)
Protecting Your Rest
Protecting Your Rest (0:50)
Concluding Rest (3:12)
Plan For Rest
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